Students Entering Grade 6
Immunizations: New Jersey State Law and Cherry Hill School District require that children who are 11 years old and entering the 6th grade (or equivalent) receive the meningococcal and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccines.
- Your child should receive these vaccines at his or her 11-year-old physical examination.
- Written documentation from your health care provider that your child received their immunizations should be turned into me if your child turns 11 during the 5th grade school year.
- Children who are 11 years old and have not received these vaccines will be excluded from middle school until documentation of administration of these vaccines is received by the middle school nurse.
Physical examinations: All middle school and high school students who wish to participate in any sports activity in school are required to submit the NJ State Annual Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form. This is the only form that will allow your child to participate in sports in middle school. Parents need to complete page one - Health History and have your physician complete page three -Physical Exam. (Page two is used as-needed) The examiner’s portion of this form is valid for 365 days from the date of the examination. The entire form must be submitted to the school nurse for a student to participate in sports in middle school.
I encourage you to submit immunization documentation and physical evaluations to me as soon as possible. This information will be maintained in your child’s school health record and given to the appropriate middle school nurse when school health records are transferred in June. This will make your child’s school health transition easier as they begin their middle school years.